When You Struggle with Sleep, Call Saber Psychiatry

Popular fiction often romanticizes lack of sleep; it doesn’t show the serious repercussions of disordered sleep, including long-term physical problems such as heart problems and immune-system deficits. If you or anyone in the family is suffering from a sleep disorder, our Saber Psychiatry team can help you with assessments and treatment plans. We typically have quick availability for appointments, so an end to your sleep-deprived misery is in sight. Call us at 615.678.7839.  

  • Comprehensive psychiatric evaluations for the whole family
  • Board-certified in both pediatric and adult sleep medicine
  • Sleep studies/testing
  • Conservative use of medication
  • Psychiatric care for anxiety, psychotic disorders, emotional/behavioral regulation
  • Holistic
  • Family therapy

We realize that we have written about sleep several times in the past months, but our clients are reaching out to us about these problems.

While there are genetically based differences in the amounts of sleep that individuals need, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a guideline of recommendations by age:

3 to 5 Years – 10 to 13 hours/day, including naps

6 to 12 years – 9 to 12 hours/day

Teens – 8 to 10 hours/day

Young adult – 60 Years – 7 or more hours/day

61 to 64 Years – 7 to 9 hours/day

65 Years and up – 7-8 hours/day

Sleeping in on holidays or weekends does not erase the jeopardies of sleep deficits. While it takes the body to recover from a chronic lack of sleep, we can – and do – recover our health after we establish healthy sleep patterns. Getting help from Saber Psychiatry, therefore, will put you on the path to wellness.

Insufficient quality sleep leads to:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Irritability, difficulty handling stress
  • Word-finding difficulties
  • Lack of concentration
  • Forgetfulness and reduced ability to form new memories
  • Decreased creativity
  • Impaired decision making
  • Slower reaction times (think about how important reaction speed is while driving, watching children, or cooking)
  • Depression
  • Weight gain, trouble losing weight, obesity
  • Cardiac disorders (heart disease, hypertension, heart attacks, strokes)
  • Lower-performing immune system
  • Migraines
  • Decreased ability to recover from injuries or illnesses
  • Clumsiness

There is ample research showing that even emergency responders, medical professionals, and other highly trained people make poorer and slower decisions when they do not get high-quality sleep.

One of our specialties is in the assessment and treatment of sleep disorders. At Saber Psychiatry, we’re available to help you get on a healthy sleep schedule. Call us at 615.678.7839.

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