What Can I Do if My Child Has Symptoms of a Mental Health Condition in Franklin?

A young person holding their head while struggling to think.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the nation’s largest mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI urges families to get help right away for their child if they think they notice symptoms by scheduling an appointment with a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist.

Early intervention is important as some conditions, such as psychosis, often worsen without treatment. It is also important to note that some conditions are cyclical, and periods of strong symptoms may not always be evident. Some children may hide some symptoms and say and do what they think is expected of them.

If your child tells you they are seeing or hearing things that are not there, (without the use of drugs or alcohol), NAMI suggests seeking treatment right away as this may be a sign of psychosis. Other episodes of psychosis may include:

  • Spontaneous violent behavior
  • Denial of reality
  • Nonsensical and paranoid claims
  • Removal of clothing
  • Reckless and dangerous behavior
  • Claims of invincibility and other special powers

If you or a loved one is struggling with their mental health, we can help. Saber Psychiatry is currently accepting new patients ages 2 to 65. Call our offices at 615.678.7839 to schedule an appointment.

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