We Evaluate and Treat Sleep Disorders in Franklin
Saber Psychiatry specializes in evaluating and treating sleep disorders in children and adults. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, more than one in three Americans are sleep-deprived. Not getting adequate sleep can lead to long-term health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and diabetes. It also can sap your energy, ruin your productivity, and put you in a bad mood.
One common sleep disorder is sleep hypoventilation. Sleep hypoventilation occurs when the muscles used to breathe need to be told to do so by the brain. When we sleep, there is less drive to do this from the brain. This means that people who have breathing muscles that are weak or under excessive load from severe lung disorders or obesity may not breathe strongly enough during sleep. This is known as sleep hypoventilation. No treatment can lead to breathing and heart failure during the day. Devices to help breathing during sleep will work in treating this. This treatment is called non-invasive positive pressure ventilation.
Call Us Today!
If you are struggling to stay asleep or are not getting enough sleep, we can help. Saber Psychiatry evaluates and treats children and adults with psychiatric disorders, including sleep disorders in Franklin. We are currently accepting new patients ages 2 to 65. Call 615.678.7839 to schedule an appointment.