Our Saber Psychiatry team specializes in a wide range of challenges to healthy psychiatric functioning. Come to see us if you are having difficulties with sleep, attention, relationships, or emotional regulation. Call us at 615.678.7839 to schedule an appointment. We take a flexible approach to treatment, following the clients and their diagnoses rather than fitting clients into neat labels.
- Board-certified psychiatrist
- Children, adolescents, and adults
- Comprehensive psychiatric evaluations
- Conservative medication management
- Sleep disorder evaluations, studies, and treatment
- Family therapy, parent training
- Variety of approaches
- Exceptional service
- Exceptional care
We have appointments available.
Our client hours are:
Monday 10:00 am to 5:30 pm
Wednesday- Friday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Spotlight on Emotional Regulation
Have you ever used the expression, “I just lost it”? What you meant was that you lost your cool, or your ability to regulate your emotional state.
We aren’t born able to regulate our feelings or their display. It’s a skill that we develop throughout childhood and adolescence, and even into adulthood.
Whether your child is delayed in emotional regulation, or you haven’t reached the regulatory state that you need for healthy functioning, or conditions have made previously healthy functioning difficult, our team at Saber Psychiatry can help.
Poor emotional self-regulation results in:
- Outbursts
- Mood swings
- Difficulty suppressing behaviors
- Reactivity
- Misunderstanding of social cues
- Negative emotions that last a long time
- Rumination that leads to frustration, anger, and other negative displays
Sustained difficulties with emotional self-regulation may lead to:
- Self-harming activities
- Substance abuse
- Sleep problems
- Depression and anxiety
- Poor life choices
- Alienating friends and family
At Saber Psychiatry, we focus on the healthy experience and expression of emotions. Emotional suppression is unhealthy; emotional regulation is an important skill.
Practices that Help People Regulate their Emotions:
- Talking with trusted friends/family (be careful not to overwhelm them, and seek professional help if you find yourself relying on them frequently)
- Exercise
- Psychiatric care (Saber Psychiatry is here at 615.678.7839)
- Practicing mindfulness and/or meditation (we can teach you)
- Writing your thoughts and reactions in a journal, reflecting on your responses
- Getting enough sleep (lack of sleep can lead to emotional dysregulation, and emotional dysregulation can lead to lack of sleep)
- Taking care of your health
- Attending to your negative thoughts that lead to strong emotions
When you are not functioning well in daily activities or interactions, accept that you are a valuable person who deserves help to gain that functioning.