All humans may experience depression at some point in life. Some people experience depression so intensely that it interferes with their interest in family, friends, community, or work and can lead to suicidal thoughts and tendencies.
Saber Psychiatry specializes in evaluating and treating depression and other mood disorders. According to John Hopkins Medicine, depression is a serious mood disorder that affects your whole body, including your mood and thoughts. It touches every part of your life. It’s important to know that depression is not a weakness or character flaw. It’s a chemical imbalance in your brain that needs to be treated.
Here are some of the symptoms of depression:
- Lasting sad, anxious, or “empty” mood
- Loss of interest in almost all activities
- Appetite and weight changes
- Changes in sleep patterns, such as inability to sleep or sleeping too much
- Slowing of physical activity, speech, and thinking OR agitation, increased restlessness, and irritability
- Decreased energy, feeling tired or “slowed down” almost every day
- Ongoing feelings of worthlessness and or feelings of undue guilt
- Trouble concentrating or making decisions
- Repeating thoughts of death or suicide, wishing to die, or attempting suicide (Note: This needs emergency treatment)
Call Us Today! Saber Psychiatry evaluates and treats depression and other mood disorders. If your or someone you know is suffering, get help right away. We are currently accepting new patients for ages 2-65. Call us today at 615.678.7839 to schedule an appointment.